Why should YOUR school be represented at LTC?
Valuable LEADERSHIP TRAINING from an exceptional Senior teaching staff of skilled professionals from diverse & fascinating backgrounds, who will inspire your student leaders to positively impact your school and community...
Great ROLE MODELS from a Junior counseling staff of former delegates who are currently successful leaders and students in high school and college - and who will inspire your students to do the same in your school...
Practical WORKSHOPS shared with peers, advisors, and former LTC delegates that provide valuable skills which will help your students to succeed - academically, socially, and as developing leaders - both in your school and after they graduate...
Valuable NETWORKING with over 300 fellow student leaders from great schools throughout New Jersey, through which they'll bring back some great ideas that can be implemented to enhance the student experience in your school...
Gaining SELF CONFIDENCE that will serve your school in so many ways - improving academic achievment in the classroom, preventing bullying in the hallways, leading your teams on the athletic field, the list goes on and on...
If you want to have STRONG student leaders prepared to achieve socially, academically, and take on the challenges they will face in your school and beyond - send them to LTC and they'll return energized to do all that and more!
But don't just take our word for it...here's what PRINCIPALS of our recent delegates have to say about LTC!
"As a principal, I am always thrilled when a student tells me they are attending LTC. I know they will come back excited and motivated to make a difference, and more important, they will have the skills to do so. LTC creates leaders, listeners, communicators and problem-solvers who see a world as a place that they can change and improve upon; our school needs teenagers like this. In this vein, I make it a habit to spend an afternoon at LTC each summer, and I am always amazed at the amount of positive energy that can be generated by one group of people!"
Dr. Denis Mulroony - Principal, Parsippany HS
"Through my tenure as principal at Stewartsville Middle school we have had many students attend LTC each summer. These students return from their experience with knowledge and strategies that allow them to be responsible leaders in our community. The experiences they have during their LTC training allow me to look to them to help bring our student body together as a family through student council events and whole school spirit activities. I am proud of our students who look to better themselves and lead their peers with their LTC training. The students rave about their experience and always look forward to returning when they can."
Stephanie Snyder - Principal, Stewartsville MS
"We have been lucky enough to send several students to LTC and the impact has been truly amazing. The students are invigorated after their time at LTC. This energy empowers them to be positive forces in our building. All of the students that attend LTC arrive back on our campus with so much confidence in their ability to effectively communicate with all facets of the school community. Another benefit has been the networking, LTC allows our students to make connections with other schools from all over the state. Shawnee has been able to benefit from the sharing of ideas for improving school spirit and fundraising."
Matthew Campbell - Principal, Shawnee HS
"LTC offers a unique opportunity to learn valuable leadership and life skills; students come back with energy and enthusiasm to make our school community a better place and are able to motivate peers while having a smooth dialogue with administrators and teachers. We are very proud to have successfully run our first student for NJASC State Office, and I believe attending LTC gave her the ability to win the election. Nicole Charache, a former Student Council board member said, 'This was definitely a life-changing opportunity, so you should grab it while you can!' I believe she speaks on behalf of all students I have worked with that went to LTC."
Samantha Felicettta - Principal, Grace N. Rogers School