Here at LTC, you'll discover and refine all the leadership skills you need to CONFIDENTLY get the job done!
The workshops listed below form the core of our Educational Program, which was totally revamped in 2023 as we returned to an overnight program.
The first step to improving your public speaking skills is to recognize the things you do right, and become aware of the things you need to improve on. Find out both - and have fun doing it - through positive and constructive peer feedback in a collaborative environment. Goals of this workshop include:
Who do you think are great communicators, and what makes them so great? What is the difference between hearing and listening, and how good are you at each? Discover the true elements of effective communication and learn how you can apply them to become a better communicator, and leader. Goals of this workshop include:
At some point, you have heard the words "Leadership is Service". However, true servant leadership entails much more than just repeating a quote. What does it mean to be a servant leader? Discover the qualities, mindset, self-awareness, and commitment to others that will enable you to become a servant leader. Goals of this workshop include:
There are many types of projects – fundraising, service, leadership, social, spirit – what types are you involved with? The key to a truly effective project is planning, planning, and then some more planning. Go through the essentials of "S.M.A.R.T." planning for a successful project, from brainstorming to planning to implementation to evaluation. Goals of this workshop include:
You'll discover different styles of leadership and the effects they can have on an organization and its’ members, in a fun way you'll never forget. Along the way, you'll figure out which style fits you, and how to work with others who may have a different style. Goals of this workshop include:
Do you know how much time you actually spend on routine things each day, and how much time you can devote to the things you want and need to do? Learn how well you manage your time, a skill critical to success in college and beyond, and strategies to manage it better. Goals of this workshop include: