Hey, Advisors, Teachers & Coaches!

Why should YOUR student leaders join us at LTC?

Valuable LEADERSHIP TRAINING from an exceptional Senior teaching staff of skilled professionals from diverse & fascinating backgrounds, ready to share their expertise and experience with your student leaders...

Enthusiastic INSPIRATION by a Junior counseling staff of former delegates and state officers applying their talents and leadership skills to make LTC an experience your student leaders will always cherish...

Practical WORKSHOPS shared with peers, advisors, and former LTC delegates that provide valuable skills which your student leaders will be ready to apply in your Student Council, the classroom, or on the athletic field...

Valuable NETWORKING with over 300 fellow student leaders from throughout New Jersey, through which your student leaders can share and come back with great ideas for your school, Student Council, and athletic teams...

LEADERSHIP training that is not only a lot of fun but will prepare your student leaders for the challenges they will face - both individually and as part of a team - in your school and after they graduate...

If you want to have CONFIDENT student leaders prepared to improve your Student Council, club, or athletic team - send them to LTC and they will return energized to do all that - and so much more!


But don't just take our word for it...here's what ADVISORS of our recent delegates have to say about LTC!

"Every year after LTC I get follow up emails and messages from my students who are full of fresh ideas and enthusiasm for the upcoming school year. Even my most reluctant students come back empowered and confident in their ability to make an impact on our student council, our school, and the community as a whole. I'm proud to be associated with a program that takes our student leaders and gives them the tools to act and the confidence to succeed!"

Emily Kablis - Advisor, Warren Hills Regional High School

"This year, we sent TWENTY delegates to LTC and I could not be more proud! Their enthusiasm was evident before they all attended but it was multiplied a hundredfold afterwards! I spent the rest of the summer fielding calls, texts and emails about exciting new event ideas and fundraising opportunities, and hearing about connections that my students made with other leaders from all across New Jersey. LTC has reinvigorated my student council and geared them up for what I know will be a successful year!"

Melissa VanWingerden - Advisor, Parsippany High School

"I sent my four officers to LTC and I texted them the week after they returned from camp to see how they liked it. Their text messages included the words 'inspiring', 'motivating' and 'fun, fun, fun.' My vice president described the camp as the 'Disneyland of NJ.' This is my 15th year as the student council advisor at my middle school and every year I have sent my officers to LTC and it is such a great, worthwhile experience for them! Congratulations to NJASC once again!"

Nancy Markwell - Advisor, Monroe Township Middle School

"Each student we've ever sent to LTC has loved it. They all talk about how they have become better speakers, made new friends, and have had so much fun. They have even tried new things that they were at first not comfortable with but became more capable at doing after practice and encouragement. I cannot say enough about LTC and its effect on our students!"

Sara Bigley - Advisor, Logan Township Middle School

"My school has participated in LTC for a number of years and every year the delegates come back recharged and ready to go. They truly love their experience and time at this program. It is well worth sending your students to this program. That way you can witness the enthusiasm for yourself."

Rob Freedman - Advisor, Franklin High School

"I am entering my 8th year as the advisor at Phillipsburg High School and have continued the tradition of sending students to LTC each year. They return energized, enthusiastic, and full of new ideas from LTC that they are excited to share with their peers at PHS. The skills and knowledge that are acquired by our student leaders at LTC are immeasurable. The benefits that our Student Council members attained at LTC are evident when it comes time to plan and organize the multitude of events conducted by the PHS Student Council throughout the year. I highly recommend sending as many students to LTC as possible, the tremendous experience that the student leaders will bring back to your school will prove invaluable!"

William English - Advisor, Phillipsburg High School

"My students always come back from LTC excited and energized! They have new ideas and goals they want us to set for the school year. This year the first thing one of my students said when she got off the bus was that she wants to run for State Office!"

Catherine Crelin - Advisor, Neptune High School

"For the past 13 years we have sent delegates to LTC and we have NEVER been disappointed. Students return invigorated with the knowledge, confidence, and skills it takes to lead meetings and connect with others. In addition, they are able to plan, organize, and run activities much more effectively. The spirit they bring back is just contagious! What advisor wouldn't want this for their student government...over the years, I have seen the difference it has made in our students and school. This is why we, a small middle school in Warren County, continue to do BIG things in our district and are proud to be an NJASC Honor School at the state level!"

Bonnie Boyer - Advisor, Stewartsville Middle School

"LTC is an amazing experience for student leaders, the best jumpstart for my Student Council members, and a great kickoff to a new school year. All of our students that attended LTC over the summer share their ideas in a summer workshop and the excitement is contagious. They come back with fundraising and school spirit ideas as well as expertise on the State Charity. For our Student Council, LTC helps everyone hit the ground running in September!"

Kelly Boyer - Advisor, South Brunswick High School