But wait, there's STILL MORE! Relive the LTC experience and get ADVANCED leadership training...join the GREEN TEAM!
Fifteen years ago, we created the LTC ADVANCED program with two things in mind:
LTC Advanced is actually a program within a program. The GREEN color group (see below) in each session is LTC Advanced, which has their own advanced leadership classes during instructional time but enjoys the same LTC Social Program throughout the rest of the conference.
In order to attend LTC Advanced and become part of the GREEN TEAM you must have:
That's right...come back to LTC Advanced and you'll get another chance to enjoy the LTC Games, Birthday Dinner, our unique mealtime and evening entertainment, the Dance, and all the other things that make LTC unforgettable - plus advanced leadership training you will not find anywhere else.
In the first year we introduced LTC Advanced (then called "LTC 2"), we just happened to choose GREEN for their color group. Our first LTC Advanced class, which included a number of future State Officers and Junior Counselors (such as 2010 State Officer Sergio Ingato pictured at left) quickly adopted their new color and even created their own GREEN Team Salute!
A tradition was quickly born and since then GREEN has become the distinctive color of advanced leadership - and outstanding student leaders - at LTC. While "it's not easy being GREEN", our first group of LTC Advanced delegates would not have it any other way!
The LTC Advanced curriculum was designed and written by some of the greatest minds in student leadership. Short descriptions of each workshop (some of which are multiple sessions) are provided below:
It's All About Passion. This workshop builds on what you learned in Speaking With Ease and Effective Communicaton the first time you attended LTC. You will learn how to find your "leadership voice", make sure that it is heard, and to use it as an effective leadership tool to achieve what you are passionate about.
Finding Your Voice. This workshop builds on what you learned in Deal With I.T. and You Make The Call the first time you attended LTC. You will develop an awareness of such issues as bias, prejudice, harassment, violence and their impact on individuals and schools/communities while learning strategies and approaches to effectively model appropriate ways to deal with these and other difficult issues.
Leadership Styles. You'll discover - or rediscover - different styles of leadership and the effects they can have on an organization and its’ members, in a fun way you'll never forget! Along the way you’ll discover which leadership style best fits you, and how to work with others who may have a different style. Once you determine your dominant leadership style, you’ll discover the traits for various leadership styles, and how to best work with others who have them.
Marketing Your Passion. This workshop provides delegates with the chance to develop skills to present convincingly and effectively, gain an understanding of how to inspire with their words and learn the key points needed to deliver and effective presentation.
Knowing Your Audience. In this workshop, you will learn how to advocate effectively for a cause by understanding your audience as well as the values and responsibilities of people in various positions in society and their impact on the decision making process.
Planning, Organizing, Preparing. This workshop builds on what you learned in Project Planning the first time you attended LTC, as you begin to prepare for a presentation you will give later in the session that outlines the change you would like to make happen in your school or community.
Final Preparation & Practice. The capstone of LTC Advanced! You'll take what you learned in both LTC and LTC Advanced and use it to present your plan of action for making positive change in your school and community. With a friendly and supportive audience of fellow LTC Advanced delegates with whom you have bonded, it is a safe place to test out your thoughts and ideas while receiving supportive feedback to help you prepare for leadership in your school and community.
Registration for LTC Advanced is through the same system as LTC; just be sure to indicate LTC ADVANCED when submitting your Online Delegate Registration form. You will need to indicate the year that you first attended LTC as a delegate.
And yes, you can attend LTC Advanced after you graduate high school prior to entering college! CLICK HERE to visit our Initial Registration Page and get started on your journey toward advanced leadership in school, college, and career as a member of the LTC Advanced GREEN TEAM!